A forested ride
This ride sends you over perhaps the most quintessential forested gravel road in the entire Adirondacks.
How to get there
The signed trailhead is located at the East Branch Community Trails parking area, which is located on NYS Route 9N, in the Town of Keene, 3.5 miles north of the intersection of NYS Routes 73 and 9N in the Town of Keene. (Coordinates: 44.305097, -73.789526)
By the numbers
- Level of difficulty: Intermediate
- Route length: 11.8 miles (19 kilometers)
- Elevation gain/loss: 1,075 feet (328 meters)
- Smooth pavement, gravel and dirt roads. Due to rain runoff and winter road maintenance practices, sand and small stones can be washed over any of these surfaces. While this is most prevalent in the spring and early summer, storm events can deposit debris onto the road surfaces at any time of the year.
Winding trails and a satisfying ride
When was the last time you found a “Caution, winding road ahead" sign on a rural dirt road? Well, you’ll find one on this satisfying ride. This route begins with a two-mile undulating pedal along a quiet state highway that has wide, smooth shoulders. Once you’ve had a few minutes to get warmed up, you’ll cross a steel truss bridge that carriers you over East Branch Ausable River, a wide and swiftly moving major river. This river originates high in the Adirondack High Peaks and is known internationally for its trout fishing. From the river you begin climbing, steeply at times, along a gravel road to a height of 800 feet above. Note that the climb does include a confusing intersection at mile 4.1; turning sharp right keeps you on your journey.
Climb to the top
You’re not done climbing yet as there is still another mile of climbing above this turn. Here you are on Bartlett Road, and this is the reason you are doing this ride. For the next four miles you will be smiling as you traverse this very fun, twisting, good but sometimes rugged, gravel and dirt road. The effort provides the gift of a continuous descend for the next three miles.
Gently climb back down
The views along this ride are more intimate and your focus is drawn to small stream crossings, the forest, and the road itself. Once you’ve had your fun on Bartlett Road, you’ll make your way back to New York State Route 9N. From here you begin a gentle climb back to your car along the wide and smooth road shoulder, snuggled up to the East Branch Ausable River.
Due to limited cellular coverage, please be sure to download this route and save for offline use before you leave home.

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Valid Nov. 26 - Mar. 29
Valid Nov. 26 - Mar. 29
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High Falls Gorge
Treat someone you love with the gift of nature! This is an e-gift card program with packages for admission to the park, money to spend in the Gift Shop, and even more to spend in the River View Café.